Quote for the Day: What you manage, you multiply

August 2, 2013 11:22 pm0 commentsViews: 52

By: Ermz

Writing our dreams has a very powerful effect in our life. And reading it every day will fuel us to step forward and do our very best to make right decision and action based on the what we have written.

Before, I just manage whatever comes the moment that it happens. Writing what I need to accomplish each day, keep my focus on what is the order of my priority and it brings clarity on what’s next and what is the best alternative that I need to in order to accomplish a certain project or task.

Most of the time in my work, I am not comfortable writing on my developmental plan, on what transpired for the first semester of the year why I accomplish this much based a specific target that has been written before the beginning of the year. Looking back, you would realize that every action and decisions you’ve made makes of who you are today and what have you become.

Start writing your dreams. The seven magic dreams I wrote five months ago has slowly building up. These magic dreams, I read it everyday as a prayer and placing my trust before God in bringing it into fulfilment.

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