The Causes, Prevention, and Solutions for Frozen Pipes-(Save water bill)

September 3, 2013 7:49 pm0 commentsViews: 98

By Guest Author


The plumbing within your home provides you with clean running water as well as the means to remove wastewater. As you know it is the pipes that carry the water to and from your home, but there are a number of reasons why the process can be hindered. Leaks can cause a slight decrease in water pressure and an increase in your water bill, and clogs can prevent wastewater from adequately leaving your home. While both of these problems may require the assistance of your plumbers in Orland Park, IL, neither may be as serious as having frozen pipes.

Causes of Frozen Pipes

Have you ever placed a water bottle or a soda can in the freezer and forgot about it? When you open the freezer later you will find that the bottle or can is bulging, and if you allow it to thaw, it may actually burst. The same thing applies to your pipes. When water freezes, it expands and begins placing pressure on the container. The pressure can not only be strong enough to break your plastic pipes, but metal ones as well. In some cases, this will only lead to annoying leaks in your piping once the water thaws. Besides a minor annoyance, the leaks may lead to mold which can cause costly damage to the surrounding structures. But in other situations you may find yourself facing a pipe burst with hundreds of gallons of water spilling into your home and causing even costlier damages. Bursts tend to occur between the frozen area of pipe and the faucet.

The freezing of your pipes occurs from exposure to extreme cold, usually below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. They are most common in piping found in exterior walls of the home, as well as in outdoor hose bibs, swimming pool lines, sprinkler lines, and pipes in the home in unheated areas such as an attic, basement, crawl space, or even kitchen cabinets.

Prevention for Frozen Pipes

Prevention of frozen pipes is possible and highly recommended. Water should always be drained from pool and sprinkler lines before cold weather hits. Drain and store outdoor hoses, and close inside valves that supply outside hose bibs. Leave the bibs open throughout the cold season to allow for draining and to prevent pressure buildup. In the home, check for pipes lacking insulation, particularly those located in exterior walls or in unheated spaces. Keep your garage door closed during particularly cold spells, and open your kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow for heat flow into the space. Also during particularly cold periods allow a trickle of cold water to run through one of your faucets to help prevent freezing. When away from home do not allow the heat in the house to drop below around 50 degrees.

Fixing Frozen Pipes

One of the signs that your pipes are frozen is if only a trickle of water will come out of the faucet. If you suspect your pipes are frozen, leave the faucet open to help prevent a burst. You can either contact your Plumbers in Orland Park, IL, or try to thaw the pipes yourself. Never use an open flame to thaw the pipes, and never use blow dryers or other electronics in standing water. Keep in mind that your pipes may develop leaks due to the expansion. If your pipes have already burst, turn off the main water line and contact your plumber.

Photo Credit:
Pavel Ševela / Wikimedia Commons
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