How to Throw a Party on a Beach Boat Rental

September 5, 2013 7:52 pm0 commentsViews: 36

By Guest Author

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There are essentially no limits to where you can throw a party. As long as you bring along the party spirit, the occasion can be a smash hit! One great venue for parties is onNewport Beach boat rentals. People love being on the water and embracing the nautical theme. Plus, it’s a chance to “get away from it all” and test out your sea legs. You can have a boat party on a lake, beach, or another body of water. If you don’t own a boat, a rental company can furnish the vessel for you along with other supplies and equipment. For putting together a great boating party, follow these tips and suggestions.


A good party is an organized party. First, decide on who you would like to invite. Put together a guest list so you can determine how large of a boat you should rent. Keep in mind the maximum capacity of each vessel you look at. A sailboat or a small yacht may be all that’s necessary if you keep the guest count under 10. Book the rental far in advance so you’ll have it lined up in time for the party. Be sure you keep in mind the weather for that season so you’ll know to plan for a sunnier outing. Remember that holidays are the hardest to book. Last, but not least, devise a budget for the event. These parties can be expensive so don’t break the bank with expenses like catering or entertainment unless it’s it within your means to provide.


To get your party going, come up with a theme. There are several ideas to try for a boat party. For one, think TV and throw a party that centers on Love Boat or Gilligan’s Island. Consider the ages of your party attendants since a younger crowd may not be familiar with these shows. However, most people love a good tropical theme. Throw a luau on the boat. Another classic theme for boat parties is a pirate theme. You can ask your guests to dress up as pirates. For the kids, you can throw a Spongebob Squarepants party since that show takes place under the sea. If all else fails, go for a nautical theme and include sailor-related decorations and food.


Create your own entertainment by coming up with your own games and activities on Newport Beach boat rentals. You can incorporate your theme into these activities or rely on these suggestions. One idea is to hold trivia competitions with questions relating to nautical and naval matters. Another activity is the desert island game. You present situations involving being stranded on a desert island and ask the guests how they would react. For instance, you may inquire what top 3 books they would bring with them to the island. If these ideas don’t do it for you, play the message in a bottle game. Ask guests, particularly the younger ones, to write letters and draw out pictures to be put in a bottle. The bottle will be sealed and dropped in the ocean for some other traveler to come across and admire.

Photo Credit:
Wikimedia-Creative Commons
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